Humble Weekly Bundle

10:47 AM , , 0 Comments

So as I was checking the interwebs I found out about Humble Bundle which is something really great that you should check out yourself. The concept is great in which a certain group of games or software get bundle together and you can pay what you want for the products. They have certain tiers in which if you pay more you get more. All the money goes towards charity if you want or you can split it between the devs, charity and the website itself. Here is a link to their website if you guys are interested in checking out.

So I bought a $6 tier and I received a bunch of games in which I am going to play and post videos and review them when finished. It's going to be a long series but I hope you guys enjoy it. I will post a list of all the games I'm playing and the websites of each game so you can check it out yourself.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.